5-6 Command Reference
Data Manipulation Commands
ARGREAD Extracts an argument from a comma-delimited string.
Converts ASCII data from a numeric format to an alphanumeric
BITCLEAR Sets the specified bit to zero.
BITMASK Allows bit logical operations on buffers.
BITSET Sets the specified bit to one.
Allows bits within a value to be arithmetically shifted left or
BITTEST Checks the specified bit to see if the bit is a one or a zero.
CHARTYPE Allows you to limit the character type for an input buffer.
Converts ASCII data from an alphanumeric format to a numeric
CLEAR Clears buffers or files.
COMPARE Compares the contents of two fields.
CONCAT Appends the contents of one field to another.
CSTRIP Extracts specific characters for a string.
DATATYPE Restricts the type of data for the GET command.
FIELDLEN Places the length of one field into another.
GENERATE Creates a check digit.
INSERT Inserts data from one buffer into another.
LEFT Extracts the left-most characters from a string.
LOWER Converts characters in a field to lower-case.
Strips specified left-most characters from one field and copies
the remaining characters to another.
MID Extracts a sub-field from a string.
MOVE Copies contents of one field to another field.
PAD Adds characters to a field to fill it out.
PARSE Processes an MPCL data stream.
RIGHT Extracts the right-most characters from a string.
Strips specified right-most characters from one field and copies
the remaining characters to another.
TOKEN Extracts character-delimited sub-fields from a string.
TSTRIP Strips characters from a field based upon a template.
UPPER Converts characters in a field to upper-case.
VALIDATE Validates a check digit.