2-4 Using the Software
Saving a File
Select Save from the File menu. The default sub-directory is \Scripts in the selected project
directory. The file is saved with .CFS extension (configuration source). The first time you save the
file, it will prompt you if you want to add this file as a script in the currently open project.
About Projects
The Project Tree lists all the files in the open project. The project tree contains the following
directories: scripts, formats, and lookups.
Scripts Multiple scripts can be included in the \Scripts directory for use in the current project.
1. Highlight the \Scripts directory.
2. Right mouse click and select Add Files to Folder.
3. Locate and select the script to add. Click Open.
NOTE: One script must be marked as the Main script before building.
Highlight the script. Right mouse click and select M
ark as Main.
You must use the INCLUDE command in the script to include the
other scripts.
Define SCRATCH, 5000, A
INCLUDE c:\ADKProjects\MyStore\Scripts\price.cfs
Function Start
Formats Add format files to the \Formats directory for use in the current project.
1. Highlight the \Formats directory.
2. Right mouse click and select Add Files to Folder.
3. Locate and select the format to add. Click Open.
NOTE: You must use the LINKFILE command in the script to include the
Define SCRATCH, 5000, A
LINKFILE c:\ADKProjects\MyStore\Formats\shipping.fmt
Function Start