User Guide 4ProFire 610
ProFire 610 Features
• Six-input,ten-outputaudioconguration
• Upto24-bit/192kHzoperation
• Twohigh-qualitymic/instrumentpreampsfeaturingOctane
technology, LED meters, and phantom power
• Twofront-panelXLR/TSCombojacksacceptingmicorinstrumentlevelinputs
• Tworear-panel1/4”TRSbalancedlineinputs
• Eightrear-panel1/4”TRSbalancedlineoutputs
• Twoindependent1/4”headphoneoutputswithvolumecontrolknobsforeachoutput
• S/PDIFIn/Out
• MIDIIn/Out
• PowerfulonboardDSPprovidingvenear-zerolatency16x2monitormixers
• User-assignableMasterVolumecontrol
• Functionsasastandalonetwo-channelmicpreampandA/D–D/Aconverter
Minimum System Requirements
Minimum system requirements can be found on the ProFire 610 product packaging as well as the M-Audio
A Note about Operating System Updates: Please check the M-Audio driver download page at
http://www.m-audio.com/drivers for the availability of an updated driver before you decide to install operating
system updates.
Before new M-Audio device drivers are released, they are tested for use with the operating system versions
that are available at that time. When updates for an operating system are released by Microsoft or Apple, all
M-Audio device drivers have to be re-tested and possibly updated to ensure proper operation.
M-Audio recommends refraining from installing operating system updates until a driver has been posted to
the M-Audio website for that specific operating system.