User Guide 18ProFire 610
Peak Hold
The meters of the ProFire 610 monitor mixers feature a “peak hold” function designed to assist in finding
the loudest transients of a signal. These options determine how long the peak indicator remains before
• Off – This setting turns the peak hold function off
• 1 second – Peak levels are held for one second
• 3 seconds – Peak levels are held for three seconds
• Infinite – Peak levels are held until the meters are cleared
✓ T I P : Peak levels can be cleared at any time by clicking the meters in any of the monitor mixers.
Hold Clips Only
When this option is enabled, only the clip indicator (i.e., the top segment of the currently selected monitor
mixer meter) is held for the amount of time defined in the “Peak Hold” section (see above). This feature is
included to help users spot clipping on the input channels more easily.
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