Use heavy gauge, stranded wire for connecting a
speaker to the output of a power amplifi er.
Do not use coaxial cable like
a guitar cord to make speaker
connections. They are not
designed to handle the high
currents produced by a power
amplifi er and can overheat.
As the distance between the amplifi er and
speak ers increases, the thickness of the wire
should also increase. Speaker wire has resistance,
and when electricity passes through a resistor,
pow er is lost. The thicker the wire, the less the re-
sis tance it offers, and the more power actually gets
to the speaker.
1/4" TS Phone Plugs and Jacks
“TS” stands for Tip-Sleeve, the two con nec -
tions available on a mono 1/4" phone jack or plug.
They are used for unbalanced signals and speak er
1/4" TS Wiring:
Sleeve = Cold (–)
Tip = Hot (+)
NL4-Type Plugs and Jacks
This connector is compatible with the popular
Neutrik® Speakon® 4-pole plugs. These con-
nec tors are designed to handle the higher currents
pro duced by amplifi ers, and have a locking fea-
ture to prevent accidental disconnections. Simply
line up the tabs on the plug with the jack on the
C300z, push it in, and rotate it 1/4 turn to the
right to lock it in place.
NL4 Wiring
Pin 1 – = Cold (–)
Pin 1+ = Hot (+)
Pin 2 – = No Connection
Pin 2+ = No Connection
back the same way in which it was re ceived.
This para graph does not nec es sar i ly apply to
non-war ran ty service.
Note: You must have a sales receipt from an
Authorized Mackie Dealer to qualify for a
warranty repair.
Your Mackie loudspeakers will pro vide many
years of reliable service if you fol low these sim ple
guide lines:
• Avoid exposing the loudspeakers to mois ture.
If they are set up outdoors, be sure they are
under cover if you expect rain.
• Avoid exposure to extreme cold (be low freez-
ing temperatures). If you must operate the
loudspeakers in a cold en vi ron ment, warm up
the voice coils slowly by sending a low-level
sig nal through them for about 15 min utes
prior to high-power operation.
• Use a slightly damp cloth with a mild soap
so lu tion to clean the cabinets. Avoid get ting
mois ture into any of the open ings of the cab-
i net, par tic u lar ly where the drivers are located.
The C300z has 1/4" TS and Speakon™ style IN-
PUT and THRU connectors. The connectors are
wired in parallel, so use only one of the input connec-
tors (either 1/4" TS or Speakon-style).
Normally, you would use only one THRU
connector, but it is possible to use both THRU
connectors. Keep in mind that all the speakers are
connected in parallel through these connectors, so
you want to be sure not to go below the minimum
impedance requirement for your amplifi er.
The C300z has a nominal impedance of 8 ohms.
Two C300zs in parallel equals 4 ohms.
Three C300zs in parallel equals 2.7 ohms.
Four C300zs in parallel equals 2 ohms.
Need Help?
You can reach a technical support representative
Monday through Friday
from 7 AM to 5 PM PST at:
After hours, visit www.mackie.com
and click Support,
or email us at: techmail@mackie.com
C300z Connector Panel