Part No. 820-188-90 Rev. B 3/05
©2004-2005 LOUD Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Crossover
This unique Low Impedance Com pen sat ed
Cross over (LICC) design places in duc tors in se-
ries with the woofer whose values are markedly
lower than con ven tion al designs. This reduces
the amount of energy that is typically wasted as
heat and increases the amount of energy that is
trans formed into real acoustic power. It also in cor -
po rates dy nam ic protection for the com pres sion
driv er from non-linear signals.
The Cabinet
The C300z cabinet was designed to be the
stron gest molded composite cabinet on the planet.
This material is as strong as a rhinoceros horn,
and rig id enough to pre vent un want ed vi bra tions
and standing waves in the cabinet. It has built-in
fl y points for hang ing, and a sock et in the bot tom
for mount ing on a tri pod stand. Al though it is an
ex cep tion al choice for in stalled sound sit u a tions,
its light weight and durable fi n ish also make it
ideal for portable sound sys tem use. The asym-
met ri cal trap e zoi dal de sign of the cab i net also
makes it easy to use as a fl oor wedge for stage
mon i tor ap pli ca tions.
The C300z offers a portable, lightweight
so lu tion for a variety of high-powered sound re in -
force ment applications.
Thank you for choosing Mackie sound re in -
force ment loudspeak ers.
The C300z is a portable two-way loud speak er
sys tem, specifi cally designed to com ple ment our
PPM Series line of pro fes sion al powered mix-
ers. They are ca pa ble of extremely high sound
pres sure levels, and designed to give you the best
per for mance of any loudspeaker in its class and
price range.
The Transducers
The C300z features a 12-inch high-power
low-frequency woofer and a 1.75-inch ti ta ni um
di a phragm high-output com pres sion driv er. The
woofer incorporates technology used in large-
for mat touring systems and, with a massive,
pre ci sion 3-inch voice coil, is vir tu al ly in de -
struc ti ble.
The high-frequency compression driver is
mount ed on a multi-cell aperture loaded on a
con stant directivity horn, providing an ultra-
wide, con trolled dispersion pattern and precise
re pro duc tion of the critical up per mid-range and
high-fre quen cies. The re sult is an un be liev ably
smooth off-axis re sponse that allows ev ery one in
the audience to ex pe ri ence the same high-res o -
lu tion au dio no mat ter where they are seat ed.
Each driver has been specifi cally de signed by
our engineers for optimum per for mance in a light-
weight high-strength cabinet.
Please write your serial number here for
future reference (i.e. insurance claims,
tech support, return authorization, etc.):
Purchased at:
Date of purchase: