virtual circuit (virtual connection)
Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
virtual circuit (virtual connection)
The pre-arranged route through the ATM network that all cells in an ATM
transmission follow.
virtual circuit number
The route identifier contained in an AT M cell header. A VCI and a VPI together
constitute the virtual circuit number.
virtual path identifier
See VPI.
The ATM virtual path identifier. ATM is a connection-oriented service that sets
up a virtual circuit between the transmitter and the receiver. The two endpoints
negotiate an agreed route through the network before sending any data. VCI
and VPI together constitute the virtual circuit number that identifies this route.
The VPI is analogous in some ways to an ISDN trunk group.
See wide area network.
well-known address
The default network address for a given type of network component, as
specified by a communications protocol or standards body. For example, the
ATM Forum defines well-known addresses for LAN-emulation servers and
LAN-emulation configuration servers.
well-known port
port numbers that are assigned to specific applications by IANA. For example,
21 for FTP, 23 for Telnet, 110 for pop3.
wide area network
A data network that connects local area networks (LANs) using
common-carrier telephone lines, bridges, and routers.
A circuit-switched call at a data rate greater than 64 kbps. A circuit-switched
call on a single T1 or E1 facility with a bandwidth between 128 and 1536 (T1)
or 1984 (E1) kbps in multiples of 64 kbps. H0, H11, H12, and N x DS0 calls are