Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
D Capacities and Performance
Number of MedPros
The following table gives the approximate carried load (CL
), in Erlangs, for m
MedPro boards installed. Carried loads are shown for a = 22 and 31 audio streams per
MedPro board, corresponding to having the G.723 or G.729A (a=22) or the G.711
(a=31) codecs administered.
This table assumes:
• In columns 2 and 3, the carried loads are calculated assuming an infinite source
for Grade of Service (GOS) of P001. The carried loads are calculated as an
average of Erlang B and Erlang C to account for retrials
• In columns 3 and 4, the carried loads are calculated assuming full availability (no
blocking). Note that the carried load for the full availability case is just the
number of audio streams times the number of MedPro boards.
Number of
for GOS = P001
for Full Availability
a = 22 a=31 a = 22 a=31
1 10.5 17.0 22 31
2 26.9 41.4 44 62
3 44.7 65.7 66 93
4 63.2 94.3 88 124
5 82.1 121.7 110 155
6 101.4 149.5 132 186
7 120.9 177.6 154 217
8 140.5 205.9 176 248
9 160.4 234.3 198 279
10 180.3 262.9 220 310
15 281.4 407.6 330 465
20 384.1 554.0 440 620
25 487.7 701.5 550 775
30 591.9 849.7 660 930
35 696.7 998.6 770 1085
40 801.8 1147.9 880 1240
46 923.4 1327.6 1012 1426