MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Putting the System to Work
Page 5-36Optimizing Your System
System Requirements 5
A CTI link requires the following equipment and software:
■ MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0 or later, in
Hybrid/PBX mode
■ A standalone LAN telephony server with an Intel® i386, i486, or Pentium®
class central processing unit and at least 16 megabytes of RAM (more
memory may be needed; see
PassageWay Telephony Services Network
Manager’s Guide
for details).
■ Novell NetWare version 3.12, 4.11, or 4.1
For a NetWare version 3.12 installation, additional files must be
obtained from Novell’s web site. For details, see
Telephony Services Network Manager’s Guide
■ 5 megabytes of available disk space in the system volume
■ PassageWay Telephony Services for NetWare software, Release 2.21 or
■ Eicon/G. Diehl SCOM circuit board with an available 8- or 16-bit ISA slot, to
link the communications system and the telephony server.
■ An MLX line/trunk or extension module, with a free extension jack (not the
first or fifth or any port programmed as an operator or programming
console), installed in the communications system control unit. The firmware
vintage should be 28 or later,
not including
vintage 29.
If the MLX module for the CTI link is the only MLX module in the
system, SPM software, version 5.15 or later, is also required in order
to program the CTI link.
For more information about these requirements and about installing a CTI link,
PassageWay Telephony Services Network Manager’s Guide
This voice-response system enables you to run Integrated Voice Response (IVR)
applications. It consists of hardware and software that supports, for example,
automated interactive order-taking. Because it can interface with a computer, it
can facilitate quick and easy transaction processing, data retrieval, and data entry
using a touch-tone telephone.
Using the example of automated phone orders, you can use CONVERSANT to
decrease the need for human order-takers or to handle large call volume without
having callers wait. The caller is prompted to enter appropriate responses by