MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
System Components
Page 3-47Power-Related Hardware
In-Range Out-of-Building Protection 3
Your Lucent Technologies representative orders an In-Range Out-of-Building
(IROB) protection unit when equipment is connected to the following jacks and is
located in a different building but within 1000 feet (305 m) of the control unit:
■ Analog multiline telephone extension jacks on 008, 408, and 408 GS/LS
■ MLX telephone extension jacks on 008 MLX or 408 GS/LS-MLX modules
These units protect the equipment and the control unit from lightning strikes and
power surges. Each piece of equipment requires two units, one for the control unit
end of the wire run, the other for the equipment end.
The IROB protectors must be installed by a qualified service technician or
Off-Premises Range Extender 3
An Off-Premises Range Extender (OPRE) is used for off-premises extensions up
to 5.2 miles from the control unit.
146A and 147A Surge Protectors 3
If you work in an area prone to heavy lightning and/or power surges, the control
unit may require surge protectors. The control unit’s power supply has built-in
protection, so extra protectors are not usually necessary. It is the responsibility of
the local telephone company to provide primary protection on the outside lines
where they connect to the control unit and to ensure that these protectors are
properly grounded. If the telephone company line protector is properly grounded
and bonded to the AC power ground, most lightning damage is prevented.
When your system is installed, your Lucent Technologies representative sees that
you have the necessary protection. If electrical conditions change, contact your
representative and ask for advice.
Electromagnetic Interference Filters 3
Your Lucent Technologies representative recommends these filters for certain
environments where electric motors, radio transmitters, or other radio-frequency
generating equipment may interfere with telephone reception.
System Alarms 3
An alarm condition detected by the system can cause the control unit to activate
an alarm device on a loop-start port. When the contacts close, a signal goes to a
PagePal unit or Universal Paging Access Module (UPAM) and then to an external
alert (a strobe, horn, bell, or chime).