
Encoder Interface Pin List
Serial Communication Interface Pin List
Pin Name Pin No. I/O destination Function
IP1LPPIN 150 I AFE PID area identification signal/LPP input signal
IP2MIRR 149 I AFE PID area identification signal/MIRR signal
WOBSIG 154 I AFE Wobble signal input
LOWZB 153 O AFE Input impedance switch control signal/SPDSH; running
OPC sampling pulse (Pit top)
IDGATE 152 O AFE ID/data switch signal
RFHLD 151 O AFE VFO3 holding signal and track center signal sample &
hold signal
WRGATE2 134 O AFE Write gate signal output
WBLSH 129 O AFE Wobble signal sampling pulse
MPDSH 128 O AFE Main beam sampling pulse
WFPDSH 127 O AFE Laser control sampling pulse
(Front monitor write/erase block)
RFPDSH 126 O AFE Laser control sampling pulse
(Front monitor read block)
TCSHSPBLV 125 O AFE VFO1 track center signal sample & hold pulse;
/SPBLVL running OPC sampling pulse (Pit end)
WRGATEB 138 O PU Write gate signal
SRFH 137 O PU I- V amplifier gain switch (HI side)
/I- V amplifier gain switch (for binary)
SRFL 136 I- V amplifier gain switch (Low side)
WRSTOP 135 I PU Write stop gate signal
LNDTRK 155 O AFE/PU Land/groove switch
NRZI 143 AO PU NRZI output after modulation (normal phase)
NRZIB 142 NRZI output after modulation (counter phase)
DCLK 140 AO PU NRZI sync clock (counter phase)
DCLKB 141 NRZI sync clock (normal phase)
ADIPVR1 101 AO External Cpmponents AD related pin for ADIP detection
ADIPVRT 102 AO External Cpmponents AD related pin for ADIP detection
ADIPINP 103 AI AFE ADIP detect input pin
Pin Name Pin No. I/O destination Function
LDBUSY 124 IO LDD LDD serial IF busy also functions as the CPU general port 1-0
WDEN 123 O LDD LDD microcomputer I/F (transfer enable signal)
RFDEN 122 O AFE AFE microcomputer I/F (transfer enablesignal)
SDATA 121 IO AFE/LDD AFE/LDD microcomputer I/F (transfer data signal 3Vsystem)
SCLK 120 O AFE/LDD AFE/LDD microcomputer I/F (transfer clock signal)