
Servo Pin List
Pin Name Pin No. I/O destination Function
BLANK 156 I AFE Blank signal input
(also connected to the H8S interrupt port INT5)
DEFECT 157 I AFE Defect (scratch detect) signal
SFG 213 IU DRVR Spindle FG pulse
(also input to the H8S interrupt port INT4)
EFG 214 I PU Spindle FG pulse for Light Scribe
(also input to the H8S interrupt port INT4)
TLD 212 TO DRVR Tilt drive signal (PWM output)
SPD 211 TO DRVR Spindle drive signal (PWM output)
LDD 210 TO DRVR Loading drive signal (PWM output)
LED 209 TO PU LPS_LED control signal (PWM output)
ATZC 172 AI AFE Tracking Zero Cross input signal
FE 169 AI AFE Focus error: sampled at 352.8 kHz
PE 170 AI AFE Laser power error: sampled at 352.8 kHz
SIGM 171 AI AFE Signal monitor: sampled at 88.2/176.4 kHz
TE 173 AI AFE Tracking error: sampled at 352.8 kHz
LPSA 174 AI AFE Lens positioning/lens error: sampled at 88.2 kHz
TCPH 175 AI AFE Tracking center/BETA top hold: sampled at 44.1/176.4 kHz
TIBH 176 AI AFE Tilt error/BETA bottom hold: sampled at 44.1/176.4 kHz
BCENT 177 AI AFE BETA center: sampled at 176.4 kHz
GAD1 179 AI General AD input: sampled at 88.2 kHz
GAD0(VRDC2N) 178 AI General AD input: sampled at 176.4 kHz
FOD 180 AO DRVR Focus control signal
TRD 181 AO DRVR Tracking control signal
TVDP 182 AO DRVR Sled drive signal (normal phase)
TVDN 183 Sled drive signal (counter phase)
DAVC 184 AO DRVR Servo system Vcc/2 voltage output pin