
Pin Functions
pin Name pin No. Type max. voltage Function
TE 1 Analog-Output Tracking error output terminal
FE 2 Analog-Output Focus error output terimnal
PE 3 Analog-Output PE output terminal
LE 4 Analog-Output Lens error output terminal
BCENT 5 Analog-Output OPC center signal output terminal
PHBETA/TCE 6 Analog-Output OPC top hold level signal and APC write sampleing
signal output terminal/tilt servo detecting output terminal
BHBETA/TIE 7 Analog-Output OPC bottom hold level signal and R-OPC sampleing
signal output terminal/tilt servo detecting output terminal
VCC2 8 Power Power supply connected terminal(5V)
FVREF 9 Analog-Input VDD Reference voltage for APC input terminal
FMD 10 Analog-Input VDD APC monitor diode input terminal
VDD3 11 Power Power supply connected terminal(3.3V)
LDOUT 12 Analog-Output Terminal to control laser drivers for APC read system
VRDC3N 13 External-components required Terminal to connect laser driver control filters for APC
VRDC2N/PWRMON 14 External-components required Terminal to connect laser driver control filters for APC
read/ SH monitor output terminal
VRDCN 15 External-components required Terminal to connect laser driver control filters for APC
VRDC 16 External-components required Terminal to connect laser driver control filters for APC
GND3 17 Ground Ground connected terminal
WAG1 18 External-capacitor required Terminal to connect WOBBLE AGC detector capacitor
WAG2 19 External-capacitor required
WAG3 20 External-capacitor required
WOBFCF 21 External-capacitor required WOB-BPF f0 auto-adjustment external capacitor
connected terminal
VDD5 22 Power Power supply connected terminal(3.3V)
ATEST 23 Analog-Output Renesas analog test signal output terminal
AWOBSIG 24 Analog-Output Analog-level WOBBLE signal output terminal
GND5 25 Ground Ground connected terminal
LNDTRK 26 Digital-Inputpull-up VDD Balans adjustment mode selection
SPBLVL/TISH2 27 Digital-Inputpull-up VDD R-OPC WRF signal sampling pulse input terminal
/Tilt servo detecting sampling pulse input terminal
RFPDSH 28 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD APC read system sampling pulse input terminal
WFPDSH 29 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD APC write system sampling pulse input terminal
MPDSH/SPDSH 30 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD Pickup input sampling pulse input terminal
WBLSH 31 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD WOBBLE sampling pulse input terminal
WGATE 32 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD Read/write control input terminal
RFHLD/TISH1 33 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD RF hold control signal input terminal /Tilt servo detecting
sampling pulse input terminal
IDGATE 34 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD ID select pulse input terminal
LO_ZB/SPDSH 35 Digital-Input putpull-up VDD Low-z (reversal) pulse input terminal
/Pickup input sampling pulse input terminal