
2. Pick up Pin Assignment
No. Signal Name I/O Signal Description
1 GND(OEIC,TEMP) Ground for OEIC
2 Vcc(OEIC) I Power supply for OEIC
3 Vc(OEIC) I Reference voltage input for OEIC
4 GAINSW I OEIC output gain control (High:Low gain, Middle:Middle gain, Low:High gain)
5 E3+F3 O Single OEIC output EF3
6 B O Single OEIC output B
7 D O Single OEIC output D
8 E4+F4 O Single OEIC output EF4
9 E1+F1 O Single OEIC output EF1
10 A O Single OEIC output A
11 C O Single OEIC output C
12 E2+F2 O Single OEIC output EF2
13 RF+ O Single OEIC RF positive differential output
14 RF- O Single OEIC RF negative differential output
15 GND(OEIC.TEMP) O Ground for OEIC and TEMP
16 TEMP O Output voltage for controlling temperature
17 VSO I Supply voltage for the output drivers only
18 SEN I Serial control enable (H=enable, L=disable)
19 BUSY O Goes high when serial transfer to timing menory is active
20 SCLK I Serial control clock
21 SDIO I/O Serial data for parameters and control ; in/out
22 RWB I Write enable for NRZ laser data (L=write, H=read)
23 MONITOR O Monitor output
24 GND(LDD) Ground connection for LD Driver-IC
25 NRZ I NRZ laser data (H=mark, L=space) (LVDS+)
26 NRZB I NRZ laser data (H=mark, L=space) (LVDS-)
27 GND(LDD) Ground connection for LD Driver-IC
28 CLKB I CLOCK for NRZ code input (LVDS-)
29 CLK I CLOCK for NRZ code input(LVDS+)
30 VSL25 I Supply voltage for 2.5V logic
31 VSA5 I Supply voltage for PLL only
32 SLG I Land/groove input serects the power register set (H=land, L=groove)
33 IAPC I A low inpedance current input ; 100xIAPC frow to the output
34 ENA I Fast chip enable input
35 VCC(FM) I Power supply for FM
36 SEL I Low: selects DVDFMOUT
High: selects CDFMOUT
37 VREF I APC amplifier reference voltage input
38 FM O APC amplifier output
39 GND(FM) Ground connection for FM
40 AF+ I Focusing Actuator drive signal+
41 AF- I Focusing Actuator drive signal-
42 TR+ I Tracking Actuator drive signal+
43 TR- I Tracking Actuator drive signal-
44 Tilt+ I Tilting Actuator drive signal+
45 Tilt- I Tilting Actuator drive signal-