Upgrade Error Codes
Following are the error codes you may receive when an upgrade fails.
Code Problem Description
1 Internal error The system is missing critical les.
Switch to upgrade
The command to set the active partition failed.
3 Write failed
A write failure occurred during copying of the image to the upgrade partition. This
typically occurs when using an upgrade image for another LifeSize product.
4 Read failed
Reading incoming data failed during the uploading of the image. This typically occurs if
the connection is broken during the upload.
Upgrade script
After the image has been successfully uploaded the system runs an upgrade script for
nal processing. This error indicates a failure in that script. This typically occurs when
using an upgrade image for another product.
Unable to run
upgrade script
The system was unable to run the upgrade script. This typically occurs when using an
upgrade image for another product.
Unable to mount
upgrade partition
After the image has been copied to the system, the system failed to mount the image.
This typically occurs if the upgrade image is corrupt or when using an upgrade image
for another product.
8 No permission The system failed to read the upgrade partition.
9 Corrupt image
The upgrade image is corrupt and unusable. This typically occurs due to a bad image or
errors during upload to the device.
10 Bad argument
An invalid argument was submitted to the upgrade process. This typically occurs when
using an upgrade image for another product.
11 Invalid signature
The encryption signature is invalid. This typically occurs if the image is corrupt or
12 Decrypt failed
The system was unable to decrypt the upgrade image. This typically occurs if the image
is corrupt or compromised.
13 Developer system
The system is congured for development and can only be upgraded by a LG
14 Upgrade in progress An upgrade is already in progress. The system only supports one upgrade at a time.
Upgrade license
A current license key for upgrading the system software does not exist on the device.
Contact your authorized partner to renew your maintenance agreement.