Channel Banks Overview
Channel Banks Note: Disable all Aux sources in the Installer menu that will not be made available to the end user.
Channel Banks Overview
Purpose of Channel Banks: Allows the institution administrator to control access to
patient in-room TV programming. A channel bank can be enabled for a patient for a
pre-determined fee. For Banks 1-2 and 3, the institution can create programming lev-
els. Each level would offer a custom channel line-up. Top tier would be the most pro-
gramming (premium etc.), 2nd tier=lesser programming, 3rd tier=basic programming
etc. Channel Bank 4 would display the ‘Inactive TV Call Attendant’ message when the
TV is turned on. The administrator could activate Banks 1-2 or 3 depending on the
programming tier selected by the patient. When the patient leaves the hospital, the
administrator can then select Bank 4 to reinstate the Inactive TV message.
Channels Available Charts
All channels found in the channel search are included in all channel banks. Default is
for all channels to be active in channel banks 1-2-3 and 4. Create channel banks
charts similar to the examples on the following pages. Show on the channel bank
chart, the status for each channel in all channel banks. This then becomes the
patient entertainment programming offerings plan.
Channel Banks Setup
Operating the Channel Banks menu.
Note: Channel banks can only be set up after the 2-5-5+Menu procedure has been
completed. See remote key functions for channel banks menu on the following page.
Channel Status Options Available for Channel Banks
In the Ch Preview-Channel Banks menu, use the channel up-down arrows to go to a
channel and the Left-Right arrows to select the channel status. See channel status
Inactive TV Setup
Go to Channel Bank 4. Select ‘Normal Delete’ for all channels. When the TV is powered
on by the patient, the ‘Inactive TV Call Attendant’ message will appear on the screen
and after a few moments the TV will turn itself off. With the Installer remote, the
administrator can activate Banks 1, 2 or 3 depending on the entertainment program-
ming tier selected by the patient. When the patient leaves the hospital, the adminis-
trator can then select Bank 4 to reinstate the ‘Inactive TV’ message.
CC ->VCHIP Menu Ch. Preview -> Exit
Channel Bank Setup Menu
Use to access Ch Preview Menu
Note: Default setting for Aux sources is to be active in the Installer menu. The Aux
sources will appear between the highest Analog and lowest Digital channel number
in the channel scan with Channel Up/Down. If the Aux sources will not be used, it is
advisable to set them to 000 (Off) before doing 2-5-5 + Menu. After doing 2-5-5 +
Menu, the only way to turn the Aux sources off so they will not appear in the channel
scan, is to go to the Channel Bank menus and select ‘Normal Delete’.
Refer to Installer menu items: 34, 35, 38, 39 and 87.