Installer Overview
Operating Installer Menu
To set up the controls for the TV you will need to know how to enter
the TV Installer menu and make changes to the default values. If
necessary, familiarize yourself with the TV Installer menu and how to
make and save changes to the items in the menu.
LG Installer Remote
You will need an LG Installer remote control similar to the one
shown to the right. The installer remote must have a “Source” but-
ton or its equivalent. The remote shown for reference in this manual
has “INPUT” -- this button serves the purpose of a Source button.
The TV’s clonable features need to be set up. This is a critical step.
If the Master TV display panel’s clonable features like added channel
icons or channel labels are not done correctly, then the cloned TVs
will all have problems. Refer to the TV menus for other TV features:
Picture, Audio, Option, Closed captions, Lock (V-Chip), etc.
TLL-1100A Clone Programmer
The TLL-1100A is a very simple cloner to use. It can
be set up to clone a master TV setup and transfer it
into a target TV. Cloning is possible using MPI proto-
col. Be sure the Master TV is set up completely.
Cloning is only possible when the signal source is an
alog channel, not a digital channel. Refer to TLL-
1100A instruction manual supplied with the cloner.
Typical Installer Menu