Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
Clicking on the icon opens the „Main window“, which also
opens up after completion of the start and log-in procedure.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Parameter settings“ window.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Temperature curve“ window.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Chronological event list“
Clicking on the icon opens the „Alarm list“ window.
Clicking on the icon switches the chamber illumination on or
off. Active icons will light up in yellow.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Section documentation“
Clicking on the icon activates the „Photo mode“.
Clicking on the icon creates a printout of the current screen.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Remote inquiry“ window.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Help“ window.
Clicking on the icon opens the „Saves“ window. When acti-
vated, the icon will light up in green.
6. Software