Instruction manual V 6.0 - 08/2006
4. Site requirements
4.1 Site requirements at place of installation
If possible at all, the room should be air-conditioned.
Relative humidity≤ 60 %.
Room temperature should not exceed 22 °C.
If ambient conditions are not maintained as specified, instrument perfor-
mance may be negatively affected (lowest specified temperature may not
be reached, frost may accumulate).
All transportations paths for the Leica CM3600 must at least be 1.5 meters
wide, especially doorways must have that width. 1.5 m is wide enough for
the instrument to pass through the doorway at an angle (if the instrument
can pass straight through the doorway, a width of 95 cm will be suffi-
The Leica CM3600 has a total length (refrigeration and control unit plus
cryochamber) of 2.7 meters or 2.8 meters including the connecting cables
on the left side of the refrigeration and control unit, i.e. a minimum wall
length of 2.9 meters is required to install the instrument. Ideally the wall
should measure 3.5 meters or more to provide easy access to the left side
of the unit for technical service work. The required minimum distance
between the back panel of the instrument and the wall is 30 cm, the
recommended distance is 50 cm.
Installation wall, ideal dimensions (view from above)
ca. 3.5 m
ca. 0.8 m
0.5 m
Leica CM3600
ca. 2.7 m