PHONE 800-628-8225 • FAX 800-654-1616
Item Model Description Ship Net
755447 10108A
MercuryAlpha One Gen-One Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Gimbal Hsg Block (00045A)
3/4" Streamlined Shaft (C0750A) x2 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
Cellulose Fiber Gasket
755448 1025A
Mercury Alpha 1 Gen 1 - Non Power Steer Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00044A) Gimbal hsg.block (00045A)
Gimbal Bolt Headnut (00052A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
Gasket 2 Washers
755449 10059A
Mercury Alpha One Gen 2 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00041A) Drive Trim Cylinder (00042A) x 2
Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Gimbal Hsg Block (00045A)
Bearing Carrier (00043A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
1/4 x 20 7/8 HH Screw x 2 1/4 Lockwasher x 2
10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x 6 #10 Lockwashers x 6
755450 10060A
Mercury Bravo 1 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Drive Trim Cylinder (00047A) x2
Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Bearing Carrier ( 00048)
7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS 3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Screw x2
3/8 Lockwasher x2 10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x6
#10 Lockwashers x6
755451 10061A
Mercury Bravo 2 & 3 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Drive Trim Cyliner (00047A) x2
Trim Tab Flat (00047A) x2 7/16-14 x1 3/4 S/S SHCS
3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Screw x2 3/8 Lockwaser x2
10-32 x 5/8 HH Scr
ew x4 #10 Lockwashers x4
755452 10165A
Mercury Bravo 3 (2004) Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Trim Tab Flat (00049A)
Trim Tab Flat (00268A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
7/16-14 x 1 1/4 S/S SHCS
3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Scr
w x2
3/8 Lockwasher x2 10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x4
#10 Lockwashers x4 5/16-18 x1 1/2 HH Screw
5/16 Plain washer 5/16 Int Lockwasher
755453 10195A
Mercury Bravo Prop Retrofit 2 lbs
755454 10202A
cury Verado Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains:
ab Flat (00049A)
Side P
et Anode (00051A) x2
Outboard Power Trim (00052A) 7/16-14 x 3/4 S/S SHCS
M6 x 1mm x 40mm S/S Bolt M6 Nut
M6 x 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Flat
asher x4
Model Description Ship Net
755455 10274A
Volvo 280 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00111A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
5/16-18 x7/8 S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 S/S SHCS x2
755456 10275A
Volvo 280 Dual Prop Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00111A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
5/16-18 x 7/8 S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 1/2 S/S Flat Head x2
755457 10276A
Volvo 290 Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
M8 1.25 x 25mm SS SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 SS SHCS x2
755458 10277A
Volvo 290 Dual Prop Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 1/2 SS Flat Head x2
755459 10278A
Volvo SX Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Gimbal PLate (00117A) Transom Plate (00162A)
5/16-18 x3/4 S/S HH Screw x2 5/16 Plain Washer x2
5/16 Int.Lockwasher x2 1/4-20 x 1/2 SS HH Screw x2
1/4 Int.Lockwasher x2
755460 10276AE
Volvo 290 Kit EXP 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 S/S SHCS x2
755461 10277AE
Volvo 290 Dual Prop PEXP 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16/18 x 1/2 S/S Flat Head x2
755462 10182A
Yamaha 200-250HP 4STK 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00180A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 x 1mm x25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Flat
asher x4
755463 10183A
amaha Outboard 150HP Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00125A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Split Lockt Washer
755464 10184A
amaha Outboard 150HP CROT 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00181A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 x 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Split Lockt Washer x4
Performance Metals Premium Aluminum Sacrificial Anodes
Manufactured from Navalloy to a military specification MIL-A-24779(SH).Navalloy is a high performance alloy! It contains aluminum,5% zinc and traces of indium,which
ensures that it stays active.
• Navalloy is more active than zinc so it gives better protection.
• Navalloy anodes last up to 30% longer than zinc anodes.
Navalloy anodes self-clean in freshwater.
• Zinc anodes form a coating that stops them working within a few months.
Navalloy anodes are essential for Mercury sterndrives.
• Zinc will not provide the correct protection.
• Navalloy anodes are recommended for both salt and freshwater on Mercury sterndrives.
• Navalloy anodes are environmentally friendly.
• Navalloy anodes will reactivate after exposure to the atmosphere.
• You should not mix different types of anodes on the same bonding system.
Do not use magnesium anodes in salt or brackish water - they will over-protect
aluminum outdrives or hulls.
Patented Wear Indicator:
• Imbedded plastic indicator
• Appears in surface as anode corrodes
Tells the boater when to change!
• No argument about need to replace
• US and PCT patents pending
10108A 10060A 10202A 10276A 10182A
Collinite Liquid Fiberglass Boat Cleaner
Easily removes the following from fiberglass finishes:
• Dirt
• Oil
• Rust
Exhaust stains
Restores the original color quickly without hard rubbing or buffing. Leaves a
chemically clean surface to which Collinite waxes can bond perfectly. Increases
long-lasting brilliance and performance of protective wax coating
751155 Model 920
Ship 2 lbs
Net $8.99