
PHONE 800-628-8225 FAX 800-654-1616
Item Model Description Ship Net
755447 10108A
MercuryAlpha One Gen-One Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Gimbal Hsg Block (00045A)
3/4" Streamlined Shaft (C0750A) x2 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
Cellulose Fiber Gasket
755448 1025A
Mercury Alpha 1 Gen 1 - Non Power Steer Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00044A) Gimbal hsg.block (00045A)
Gimbal Bolt Headnut (00052A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
Gasket 2 Washers
755449 10059A
Mercury Alpha One Gen 2 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00041A) Drive Trim Cylinder (00042A) x 2
Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Gimbal Hsg Block (00045A)
Bearing Carrier (00043A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
1/4 x 20 7/8 HH Screw x 2 1/4 Lockwasher x 2
10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x 6 #10 Lockwashers x 6
755450 10060A
Mercury Bravo 1 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Drive Trim Cylinder (00047A) x2
Trim Tab Flat (00049A) Bearing Carrier ( 00048)
7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS 3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Screw x2
3/8 Lockwasher x2 10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x6
#10 Lockwashers x6
755451 10061A
Mercury Bravo 2 & 3 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Drive Trim Cyliner (00047A) x2
Trim Tab Flat (00047A) x2 7/16-14 x1 3/4 S/S SHCS
3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Screw x2 3/8 Lockwaser x2
10-32 x 5/8 HH Scr
ew x4 #10 Lockwashers x4
755452 10165A
Mercury Bravo 3 (2004) Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Cavitation Plate (00046A) Trim Tab Flat (00049A)
Trim Tab Flat (00268A) 7/16-14 x 1 3/4 S/S SHCS
7/16-14 x 1 1/4 S/S SHCS
3/8 x 16 x 1 HH Scr
w x2
3/8 Lockwasher x2 10-32 x 5/8 HH Screw x4
#10 Lockwashers x4 5/16-18 x1 1/2 HH Screw
5/16 Plain washer 5/16 Int Lockwasher
755453 10195A
Mercury Bravo Prop Retrofit 2 lbs
755454 10202A
cury Verado Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains:
ab Flat (00049A)
Side P
et Anode (00051A) x2
Outboard Power Trim (00052A) 7/16-14 x 3/4 S/S SHCS
M6 x 1mm x 40mm S/S Bolt M6 Nut
M6 x 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Flat
asher x4
Model Description Ship Net
755455 10274A
Volvo 280 Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00111A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
5/16-18 x7/8 S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 S/S SHCS x2
755456 10275A
Volvo 280 Dual Prop Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00111A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
5/16-18 x 7/8 S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 1/2 S/S Flat Head x2
755457 10276A
Volvo 290 Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
M8 1.25 x 25mm SS SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 SS SHCS x2
755458 10277A
Volvo 290 Dual Prop Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 1/2 SS Flat Head x2
755459 10278A
Volvo SX Kit 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Gimbal PLate (00117A) Transom Plate (00162A)
5/16-18 x3/4 S/S HH Screw x2 5/16 Plain Washer x2
5/16 Int.Lockwasher x2 1/4-20 x 1/2 SS HH Screw x2
1/4 Int.Lockwasher x2
755460 10276AE
Volvo 290 Kit EXP 3 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring V18 (00161A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16-18 x 3/4 S/S SHCS x2
755461 10277AE
Volvo 290 Dual Prop PEXP 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Anodic Bar (00112A) Prop Ring Duo Prop (00116A)
M8 x 1.25 x 25mm S/S SHCS x2 5/16/18 x 1/2 S/S Flat Head x2
755462 10182A
Yamaha 200-250HP 4STK 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00180A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 x 1mm x25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Flat
asher x4
755463 10183A
amaha Outboard 150HP Kit 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00125A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Split Lockt Washer
755464 10184A
amaha Outboard 150HP CROT 2 lbs
Kit Contains: Trim Tab (00181A) Transom Anode (00127A)
M10-1.25 x 45mm S/S SHCS M6 x 1mm x 25mm S/S Bolt x4
6mm Split Lockt Washer x4
Performance Metals Premium Aluminum Sacrificial Anodes
Manufactured from Navalloy to a military specification MIL-A-24779(SH).Navalloy is a high performance alloy! It contains aluminum,5% zinc and traces of indium,which
ensures that it stays active.
Navalloy is more active than zinc so it gives better protection.
Navalloy anodes last up to 30% longer than zinc anodes.
Navalloy anodes self-clean in freshwater.
Zinc anodes form a coating that stops them working within a few months.
Navalloy anodes are essential for Mercury sterndrives.
Zinc will not provide the correct protection.
Navalloy anodes are recommended for both salt and freshwater on Mercury sterndrives.
Navalloy anodes are environmentally friendly.
Navalloy anodes will reactivate after exposure to the atmosphere.
You should not mix different types of anodes on the same bonding system.
Do not use magnesium anodes in salt or brackish water - they will over-protect
aluminum outdrives or hulls.
Patented Wear Indicator:
Imbedded plastic indicator
Appears in surface as anode corrodes
Tells the boater when to change!
No argument about need to replace
US and PCT patents pending
10108A 10060A 10202A 10276A 10182A
Collinite Liquid Fiberglass Boat Cleaner
Easily removes the following from fiberglass finishes:
Exhaust stains
Restores the original color quickly without hard rubbing or buffing. Leaves a
chemically clean surface to which Collinite waxes can bond perfectly. Increases
long-lasting brilliance and performance of protective wax coating
751155 Model 920
Ship 2 lbs
Net $8.99