AquaGard® Mooring Line Paint
• For mooring lines and anchor lines
• Prohibits algae,fungal growth & marine fouling organisms
• Simple application - just dunk it!
• UV protection
• Anti-abrasive coating prolongs mooring line life
• Excellent adhesion to synthetic and natural fibers
• Long lasting
• Low VOC
• Low leach out
Model Ship Net/2 Gallon
751324 51201
20 lbs
AquaGard® Flexabar® Buoy Coating
• For PVC & Inflatable Vinyl Buoys and floats
• Chemically bonds with the buoys for highest durability
• Colorfast & UV resistant
Oil & gas resistant
• High visibility
Superior adhesion- won't crack
• Commercially used and proven
• The choice of commercial fisherman worldwide
• Rugged durability
Please Specify Color:
Green,Blue,Red,Orange or White
Ship Quart
3 lbs
AquaGard® 190 Waterbased Primer
• For Aluminum or Wooden Surfaces
• Chemically bonds to aluminum
• Excellent resistance to corrosion and salt
• Improves adhesion of final coat
• Compatible with all other top coats
• Formulated for use with Alumi-Koat Antifouling Paint
• Exceeds VOC standards
• No toxic fumes
• Waterbased
• Cleans up with soap and water
Model Ship Quart
751326 25009
3 lbs
Shockles Portable Solar
Powered LED Light
The solar powered RailLight™easily
attaches to railings on boats, RVs, decks
and much more.Are you looking for solar
powered light you can mount anywhere?
The tough, secure rail clamp will quickly
fasten and unfasten to any rail without
scratching the finish and y
ou can adjust the
angle and height to match your space and
needs or use the larger transom clamp
that attaches in either a horizontal or v
ertical position and will quickly secure the RailLight
to an
y edge up to two inches thick.There's a so you can easily turn off the RailLight if you
want total darkness.
• Made from coated stainless steel to resist corrosion and provide years of service
• Sturdy,lightweight and waterproof
Solar panel is designed f
or many years of use
• Bright white LEDs will last for over 10,000 hours
• Charge up the RailLight outside during the day and use it inside your boat at night
• Easily attaches to railings from 3/4” to 1 1/4”
Comes complete with tw
o types of clamps:
cular rail clamp that will easily clip onto any round rail
- Larger transom clamp that attaches in either a horizontal or vertical
position and will quickly secure the RailLight to any edge up to
two inches thick
Attaches in seconds;no wires,no batteries,no costly installation
• Small,weather-protected on/off switch
Model Ship Net
700367 5201
1 lbs
Taylor Made Products Rubber
Spreader Boots
• Made of soft,tough,white synthetic rubber
Protect rigging connections
• Eliminate clumsy,temporary taping
• Reduce drag
• Resistant to weather,sea,temperature extremes and hard use
• Reduce sail chafing & tearing
• Molded in split form
• Fit quickly and easily over the stay and spreader end
613670 960025
Fits over 1/2" - 1" Spreader 1 lbs
613671 960026
its over 1" - 2" Spreader 1 lbs
613672 960027
Fits over 2" - 2" Spreader 1 lbs
Watercounter™ Water
Management System
Allows you to:
• Accurately check the capacity of
your tank.
• Preset the capacity of your tank in
the Digital Display
• When you top off your tank and press the reset button,the tank's capacity is displayed.
As you use water the Digital Display counts down (by gallons) to zero.
• A preset reserve can be established (if desired).
• Track water usage from several tanks with only one gauge.
Watercounter™ comes to you with the Computerized Digital Display formatted to read
from zero up when the reset button is pushed.This allows you to find out how much water
you can draw from your tank. Once this is determined (by topping off and using the water
until the tank is empty) you simply reset the digital display to count down and change the
zero set point to whatever is the gallon capacity of your tank.Each time the tank is topped
off and the reset button is pushed the display shows the capacity of your tank and counts
down (as gallons are used) always showing exactly how many gallons of water you have.
Model Ship Net
501237 WC1
3 lbs
SCADtech SensiStat Energy
Saver Refrigeration
Works with your 12 or 24-volt holding (aka
holdover) plate refrigeration system and reduces
your battery usage by:
1. Providing extremely precise thermal
control thus reducing excess running of your
refrigeration compressor
2. Automatically utilizing available “excess” power while your batteries are charging.This
reduces the amount of battery energy used each day for refrigeration and saves you hours of
battery charging time each week.This savings translates to real dollars as you will use less fuel
for battery charging and reduce wear-and-tear on your engine or generator.
How it works:
A typical thermostat turns on your refrigeration compressor to freeze holding plates solid.
The plates are then allowed to defrost to a temperature approximately 8o F higher before the
compressor is turned on again and the plates are refrozen.The difference between the freezing
temperature and the “defrosted” temperature is known as hysteresis or differential.This is the
most energy efficient method and the more precise the control, the more efficient the system
and the more likel
y y
our ice cream will r
emain solid.The SCADtech SensiStat refrigeration
controller,with a resolution of 1/10o F provides unparalleled precision of control.What’s more,
the SensiStat comes with temperature sensors to allow you to monitor and display both the
holding plate temperatur
e and r
efrigeration box temperature.
Normal thermostats also do not take advantage of randomly available “free” power
vided whene
ver your engine or generator are running and charging your batteries. Since
batteries can only charge so fast,there is normally plenty of extra generation capacity available
to run your refrigeration system “for free”,that is using energy without depleting your batteries.
When the SCADtech SensiStat refrigeration controller detects charging level voltages,it closes
wn the h
esis to onl
y 1o F and uses the a
vailable fr
ee power to “top-up” the freeze on
your holding plates. For example, when you are motoring into an anchorage at the end of the
day, The SensiStat will automatically run your refrigeration compressor while your engine is
running and sa
ve you all the battery energy that would have been used later in the evening
running the refrigeration compressor for the same amount of time directly off the batteries.
ou can also tell the SC
ADtech SensiStat r
efrigeration controller to ignore extra power
(such as while plugged in a dock) or to force a freezing of the holding plates for up to 60
Additionally, the SCADtech SensiStat detects excess voltages which might damage your
efrigeration system aler
ts y
ou and does not o
er-ride the differential when excess voltages are
Finally,although the factory settings will work for most sailors,you can custom program the
oltage threshold at which the SCADtech SensiStat overrides the differential.You can also set
the holding plate freezing temperature, the normal and override differentials, the displayed
e scale (Fahr
enheit or Centigrade), and whether the holding plate or box
e is displa
ed b
y default.
Item Model Ship M.A.P.
400694 10020
1 lbs
Maretron Simnet to
NMEA 2K Cable Adapter
The Simrad SimNet Pr
oduct to NMEA 2000® Network
Adapter Cable, manufactured by Simrad, is used to connect a
Simrad SimNet product like the NMEA 2000®/NMEA 0183
Adapter (AT10) or CX NavStation Series products to an NMEA
2000® netw
The cable is 0.5 meters in length and has a f
emale SimNet connector on
one end and a standard male NMEA 2000® Micro Series connector on the other end.
256928 24005729
1 lbs