Quick Start
Each LSR4300 speaker includes:
• One speaker
• CAT5 networking cable
• AC power cord
• This owner’s manual
The LSR4326/PAK and the LSR4328P/PAK include:
• Two speakers, each with the above items
• LSR4300 Accessory Kit containing:
o Calibration microphone and mic clip
o Infrared wireless remote control
o LSR4300 Control Center Software
o 16-foot USB Cable
o Two network terminators
o Two AAA Batteries
Here are simple step-by-step instructions to get you up and running quickly:
1. Unpack the speakers. To avoid damage to the speaker elements, open the top of the box,
keep the Styrofoam end cap on, and roll the box upside down. The box can then be slipped
off. (This also works in reverse for repacking the units.)
Be sure to not grasp the monitors from the front. A stray hand or finger can cause
damage to the high frequency transducer that is located near the top of the cabinet on the
front baffle.
2. Position each speaker in the room. (See page 30 in this manual for speaker
placement tips.)
Quick Start