
Appendix F: Error Messages
and Troubleshooting
Under certain circumstances, the meter display on the speaker will indicate an “error
message.” Following is a list of conditions that cause an error message to be displayed, and
the corrective action required to cancel the error message.
Error Cause Display Looks Like Remedy
No Mic Found Mic is not connected during
RMC calibration
RMC button blinks and the
meter lights sequentially
from right to left
Press RMC to exit
RMC. Connect mic
and press and hold to
Speaker ID Error Improper DIP switch setting.
Rear panel DIP switch on this
speaker set to all switches off,
or 2 or more speakers have
same ID setting
All front panel buttons
blink and the meter shows
5 segments moving back
and forth on the speaker
showing the error
Correct DIP switch
Sync Signal Error No digital signal found or loss
of sync signal when the S/
PDIF or AES/EBU digital input
is selected.
The Input button will blink
and the first meter LED will
flash to show muted state
Confirm digital signal
is connected.
MUTE A speaker that is muted
indicates mute is active.
Speaker may be muted by
pressing individual or system
Mute button (in LSR4300
Control Center Software), or
activating SOLO on another
First meter LED will blink.
No other meter segments
will be active.
Un-mute individual
speaker or system
mute, exit solo on
other speakers.
Reset Non-standard DIP switch
configuration used to restore
factory settings. This mode
is entered by setting all DIP
switches ON and re-powering
the speaker.
All front panel buttons
and meter flash rapidly to
indicate reset.
Reset DIP switches
so only a single DIP
switch is active on
each speaker and
Appendix F: Error Messages and Troubleshooting