Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2/SE7520BD2-D2 Adapters and Peripherals
Revision 2.0
4. Adapters and Peripherals
Add-in adapter card and peripheral compatibility and stress testing will only be performed with
the latest version of an operating system at the time the validation testing occurred. The
following table shows the operating system and base system configurations used to validate
each device. The adapters are divided into categories based on their functionality. All
integrated on-board devices are tested by default and are therefore not included in the following
Note that not all adapter cards were tested under all operating systems. The following notation
is used in the tested adapters and peripherals table below to indicate the support level that Intel
provides for a particular adapter under a particular operating system:
Number (i.e. 1)
This adapter or peripheral has been tested and is supported under the specific
configuration identified in the Base System Configurations Table in Section 2 of this
Number in brackets (i.e. [1])
This adapter or peripheral has been tested, but is NOT supported under the specific
configuration identified in the Base System Configurations Table in Section 2 of this
document. Limited compatibility testing only.
This adapter or peripheral has not been tested under this operating system and is not
supported under this operating system.
This adapter or peripheral has not been tested under this operating system due to
limitations in IHV driver availability, and is not suported under this operating system.
SA (Similar Adapter)
This adapter is supported, but not tested. This adapter model has not been tested
with this server board, but Intel will support it based on successful testing of a similar
adapter from the same adapter family. Intel has high confidence that this adapter will
function correctly with the server board. This adapter uses the same firmware and
drivers, and has a nearly identical system interface to another adapter of the same
family that has been successfully tested with this server board. In addition, Intel has
secured IHV commitment to support the similar adapters equally. Customers should
always test adapters as part of the final system configuration prior to deployment. All
installation guidelines for the tested adapter also apply to the similar adapter.
Any variations to the standard adapter installation process or to expected adapter functionality
are documented in the Installation Guidelines section of this document. If there are installation
guidelines affecting a particular adapter and operating system combination, these are
referenced in the following table. If there are no installation guidelines noted in the following
table, then the adapter installed and functioned as expected using manufacturer’s installation
instructions or Intel’s best-known methods.
Testing of adapters cards normally is performed with unused add-in adapters
and onboard controller expansion ROMs disabled in BIOS Setup. Intel
recommends that customers disable the option ROM for add-in controllers
and/or the on-board controllers when not booting from the controller or needing
to use its built in utilities.