Supported Operating Systems Intel® Server Board SE7520BD2/SE7520BD2-D2
Revision 2.0
3. Supported Operating Systems
The following table provides a list of supported operating systems for the Intel® server board
SE7520BD2/ SE7520BD2D2. Each of the listed operating systems was tested for compatibility
with Intel® server board SE7520BD2/ SE7520BD2D2 base system configuration listed in
Section 2 of this document. Operating systems are supported only with the specified base
system configuration(s) with which they were tested.
The following table also indicates whether each operating system received Basic Installation
Testing, or Adapter / Peripheral Compatibility and Stress Testing. For information on the
support commitments for Basic Installation Testing vs. Adapter / Peripheral Compatibility and
Stress Testing, please reference Section 1 of this document.
Any variations to the standard operating system installation process are documented in the
Installation Guidelines section of this document. If there are no installation guidelines noted in
the following table, then the operating system installed as expected using manufacturer’s
installation instructions or Intel’s best-known methods.
Operating systems supported by Intel® Server Management software or
LANDesk* Client Manager software may be different than the operating
systems supported by the Intel Server Board SE7520BD2. Please reference
the Readme and User Guide documents that are included as part of each Intel
Server Management and LANDesk* Client Manager distribution for operating
systems that are supported by that release.
Operating System
Base System
Configuration Tested
& Type of Testing
Microsoft* Windows* Enterprise Server 2003/
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003
32bit /EM64T
1,2,3 ,4,5,6–
Compatibility & Stress
Intel’s testing was completed with
Microsoft Windows Enterprise Server
2003. The Intel Server Board SE7520BD2
supports the operating system portion of
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server
2003 only. The application portion is not
tested or supported.
Microsoft Windows Advanced Server 2000
Service Pack 4 / Microsoft Windows Small
Business Server 2000
1,2,3,4,5,6 –
Compatibility & Stress
Intel’s testing was completed with
Microsoft Windows Advanced Server 2000.
The Intel Server Board SE7520BD2
supports the operating system portion of
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server
2000 only. The application portion is not
tested or supported.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux* Advanced Server 3.0
Updates 5
1,2,3,4,5,6 –
Compatibility & Stress
Red Hat Enterprise Linux* Advanced Server 4.0
Updates 2
1,2,3,4,5,6 –
Compatibility & Stress