Spanning-Tree Commands
280 Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10 CLI Guide
spanning-tree guard root
no spanning-tree guard root
Default Configuration
Root guard is disabled.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
Root guard can be enabled when the device operates in STP, RSTP and MSTP.
When root guard is enabled, the port changes to the alternate state if spanning-tree
calculations selects the port as the root port.
The following example prevents Ethernet port 1 from being the root port of the device.
show spanning-tree
The show spanning-tree Privileged EXEC mode command displays spanning-tree
show spanning-tree [ethernet interface -number| port-channel port-channel-number]
instance instance-id]
show spanning-tree [detail] [active | blockedports] [instance instance-id]
show spanning-tree mst-configuration
• interface -number— A valid Ethernet port.
Console(config) # interface ethernet ext.1
Console(config-mst) # spanning-tree guard root