
SNMP Commands
240 Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Modules SBCEGBESW1 and SBCEGBESW10 CLI Guide
no snmp-server group groupname {v1 | v2 | v3 [noauth | auth | priv]}
groupname—Specifies the name of the group (Range: 1-30 characters).
v1 — Indicates the SNMP Version 1 security model.
v2 — Indicates the SNMP Version 2 security model.
v3 — Indicates the SNMP Version 3 security model.
noauth — Indicates no authentication of a packet. Applicable only to the SNMP
Version 3 security model.
auth — Indicates authentication of a packet without encrypting it. Applicable only to
the SNMP Version 3 security model.
priv — Indicates authentication of a packet with encryption. Applicable only to the
SNMP Version 3 security model.
name — Specifies the context of a packet. The following context is supported: Router.
If the context name is unspecified, all contexts are defined.
readview — Specifies a string that is the name of the view that enables only viewing
the contents of the agent. If unspecified, all objects except for the community-table
and SNMPv3 user and access tables are available.
writeview — Specifies a string that is the name of the view that enables entering data
and configuring the contents of the agent. If unspecified, nothing is defined for the
write view.
notifyview — Specifies a string that is the name of the view that enables specifying an
inform or a trap. If unspecified, nothing is defined for the notify view. Applicable only
to the SNMP Version 3 security model.
Default Configuration
No group entry exists.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
There are no user guidelines for this command.