Evaluation Platform Board Manual 53
IQ80332 I/O Processor
Getting Started and Debugger
Getting Started and Debugger B
B.1 Introduction
This appendix pertains to Code|Lab version 2.3 and later which uses Microsoft's Visual Studio .NET.
For Code|Lab version 2.2 and earlier, refer to appendix B.
For more detailed information on JTAG and the 80332, please see the Intel
80332 I/O Processor
JTAG Support White Paper.
B.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this appendix is to help the user setup and become familiar with the IQ80332
(IQ80332) and other related hardware and software. This appendix steps the user through an example
program using:
This programming also includes:
The user tours the major features of the debugger and explores some of the basics of debugging. By
the end of this exercise, the user has been given a general understanding of the ATI* development
tools and can begin working on new applications.
B.1.2 Necessary Hardware and Software
This example uses the ATI Code|Lab plug-in for Microsoft* Visual Studio, the GNU* Pro compiler,
the Macraigor Raven JTAG connector, and the 80332.
B.1.3 Related Documents
Many of these documents load as part of ATI Code|Lab install (Start/Programs/ Accelerated
Technology/Documentation). This menu contains both the ARM* ADS and Code|Lab documents.
• Code|Lab EDE • Code|Lab EDE debugger • Macraigor* Raven* JTAG
• software setup • compiling • linking • debugging example code
Table 43. Related Documents
Document Title Document #
80332 I/O Processor Developer’s Manual 273517
80200 Processor based on Intel
Microarchitecture Developer’s Manual 273411
Hot-Debug for Intel
Core Debug White Paper 273539
ARM Assemblers Guide (http://www.arm.com/support/574FKU/$File/ADS_AssemblerGuide_B.pdf
ADS Debug Target Guide (http://www.arm.com/support/574FWT/$File/ADS_DebugTargetGuide_D.pdf
Code|Lab Debug for ARM
a. This document installs to C:\Ati\docs\codelab debug.pdf.