Evaluation Platform Board Manual 49
IQ80332 I/O Processor
Software Reference
4.3.2 RedBoot* Intel
80332 I/O Processor Memory Map
4.3.3 RedBoot Intel
80332 I/O Processor Files
Attached in the kit, find a copy of the RedHat eCos for IQ80332 CD. Once the CD is installed, you
may find:
• The RedBoot initialization code source files from the following location:
From the installed directory:
• The RedBoot binary image files (downloadable onto Flash) from the following location:
From the installed directory:
To access RedHat GNUPro tools including RedBoot binaries and source code, you may also go to the
following location on the Intel site:
• http://developer.intel.com/design/intelxscale/dev_tools/021022/index.htm
Virtual Address Physical Address
0x0000 0000 0x0000 0000 2048 SDRAM - 64-bit ECC
0x8000 0000 0x8000 0000 128 ATU Outbound Memory Translation Windows
0x8800 0000 * 128 Unused
0x9000 0000 0x9000 0000 1 ATU OUtbound I/O Translation Window.
0x9010 0000 * 255 Unused
0xA000 0000 0x0000 0000 512 SDRAM - 64 bit ECC Uncached
0xC000 0000 0xC000 0000 8 Flash (PCE0#)
0xC080 0000 * 224 Unused
0xCE80 0000 0xCE80 0000 1 PCE1# - Uncached
0xCE90 0000 * 23 Unused
0xD000 0000 * 512 Unused
0xF00 0000 0xF00 0000 1 Cache flush
0xF010 0000 * 254 Unused
0xFFF0 0000 0xFFF0 0000 1
PMMR - Intel
80332 I/O Processor Memory Mapped
Registers. Please see Chapter 17 of the Intel
80332 I/O
Processor Developer’s Manual for more details.