The 12MB/sec data transfer rate can only be possibly achieved in systems
where the PCI-7200 card is the only device using the bus, but the speed can
not be guaranteed due to the limited FIFO depth.
The PCI-7200 supports three input clock modes, internal clock, external clock,
and handshaking modes. The first two modes cannot guarantee the input data
integrity in high-speed data rate because of the limited FIFO depth and
PCI-bus latency variation. The handshaking mode is the only mode that data
integrity can be guaranteed. During handshaking, expect 12 MB/sec data rate
on average, but the speed is not guaranteed.
The guaranteed data rate with internal clock or external clock mode is
1MB/sec on systems where PCI-7200 card is the only device using the bus.
The largest transfer size (in bytes) PCI-7200 can perform is 64MB.