C/C++ Libraries
denotes the actual size of allocated memory for each half of circular buffer.
@ Return Code
5.16 _7200_Free_DBDMA_Mem
@ Description
Releases a system’s circular buffer DMA memory. This function is only
available in Windows 95/98. For double-buffered transfer principle, please
refer to Section 6 “Double Buffered Mode Principle”.
@ Syntax
Visual C++ (Windows 95)
int W_7200_Free_DBDMA_Mem (U32 handle)
Visual Basic (Windows 95)
W_7200_Free_DBDMA_Mem (ByVal handle As Long ) As Long
@ Argument
handle: The handle of system DMA memory to release.
@ Return Code
5.17 _7200_DI_DMA_Start
@ Description
The function will perform digital input N times with DMA data transfer by using
one of the following four sampling modes:
1. pacer trigger (internal timer trigger)
2. external rising edge I_REQ
3. external falling edge I_REQ
4. I_REQ & I_ACK handshaking
It will take place in the background which will not stop until the Nth input data is
transferred or your program execute _7200_DI_DMA_Stop function to stop
the process.
After executing this function, it is necessary to check the status of the
operation by using the function _7200_DI_DMA_Status. The PCI-7200 Bus
mastering DMA is different from traditional PC style DMA. Its description is as