70 IntelĀ® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E
same community name, the first entry is kept and processed and all duplicate entries
are ignored.
Client IP Address
Enter the IP address (or portion thereof) from which this device will accept SNMP
packets with the associated community name. The requesting entity's IP address is
ANDed with the Client IP mask before being compared to the Client IP address.
Note that if the Client IP mask is set to, an IP address of matches all
IP addresses. The default value is
Client IP Mask
Enter the mask to be ANDed with the requesting entity's IP address before
comparison with the Client IP address. If the result matches the Client IP address
then the address is an authenticated IP address. For example, if the IP address = and the corresponding Subnet Mask =, a range of
incoming IP addresses would match, i.e. the incoming IP address could equal - The default value is
Access Mode Specify the access level for this community by selecting Read/Write or Read-only
from the pull-down menu. This field restricts access to switch information.
Status Specify the status of this community by selecting Enable or Disable from the pull-
down menu. This field activates or deactivates an SNMP community. If a
community is Enabled, an SNMP manager associated with this community is
allowed to access the switch. If the community is Disabled, no SNMP requests
using this community name are accepted. In this case the SNMP manager
associated with this community cannot manage the switch until the Status is
changed back to Enable.
Click the Delete button to delete the currently selected Community Name. If you want the switch to
retain the new values across a power cycle, you must perform a save.
Click the Apply button to update the switch with the values on this screen. If you want the switch to
retain the new values across a power cycle, you must perform a save.
Trap receiver configuration
Use this panel to assign a new IP address to a specified trap receiver community. The maximum
length of name is 16 case-sensitive alphanumeric characters.
IP addresses in the SNMP trap receiver table must be unique. If you make multiple entries using the
same IP address, the first entry is retained and processed. All duplicate entries are ignored.