
Intel® Blade Server Ethernet Switch Module IXM5414E 203
Default 1
Format config vlan port pvid <1-4094> <port/listofports/all>
config vlan port tagging
Use this command to configure the tagging behavior for a specific interface in a VLAN. If tagging is
enabled, all traffic is transmitted as tagged frames. If tagging is disabled, all traffic is transmitted as
untagged frames. The parameter <port/listofports/all> indicates the port or ports to be affected.
Format config vlan port tagging <enable/disable> <port/listofports/all>
show vlan detailed
Use this command to display detailed information, including interface information, for a specific
Format show vlan detailed
VLAN ID There is a VLAN Identifier (VLAN ID) associated with each VLAN. The range of
the VLAN ID is 1 to 4094.
A string associated with this VLAN as a convenience. It can be up to 16
alphanumeric characters long, including blanks. The default is blank. VLAN ID 1
always has a name of “Default”. This field is optional.
VLAN Type The type of VLAN. A VLAN can be:
the Default VLAN (VLAN ID = 1)
a static VLAN, one that is created using the config vlan create command
a Dynamic VLAN, one that is created by GVRP registration
In order to change a VLAN from Dynamic to Static, use the config vlan makestatic
Broadcast Storm Control
Displays the administrative mode of broadcast storm control for this VLAN. The
threshold value for broadcast storm control is in packets per second.
Multicast Storm Control
Displays the administrative mode of multicast storm control for this VLAN. The
threshold value for broadcast storm control in packets per second.
Port Indicates which port is associated with the fields on this line.
Current Displays the degree of participation of this port in this VLAN. The permissible
values are:
Include This port is always a member of this VLAN. This is equivalent to
registration fixed in the IEEE 802.1Q standard.
Exclude This port is never a member of this VLAN. This is equivalent to
registration forbidden in the IEEE 802.1Q standard.
Autodetect This port will not participate in this VLAN unless a GVRP join
request is received on this port. This is equivalent to registration
normal in the IEEE 802.1Q standard.
Configured Displays the configured degree of participation of this port in this VLAN. The
permissible values are: