Silicon — GD82559ER
7.1.19 Power Mana
ement Control/Status Re
The Power Management Control/Status is a word register. It is used to determine and change the
current power state of the 82559ER and control the power management interrupts in a standard
24:22 000b Read Onl
Auxiliary Current.
This field reports whether the 82559ER
implements the Data re
isters. The auxiliar
power consumption is
the same as the current consumption reported in the D3 state in the
Data re
21 1b Read Onl
Device Specific Initialization (DSI).
The DSI bit indicates whether
special initialization of this function is re
ond the standard
PCI confi
uration header
before the
eneric class device driver is
able to use it. DSI is re
uired for the 82559ER after D3-to-D0 reset.
20 0b
Read Onl
Reserved (PCI).
When this bit is set to ‘1’, it indicates that the
82559ER re
uires auxiliar
power supplied b
the s
stem for wake-
up from the D3
19 0b Read Onl
PME Clock.
The 82559ER does not re
uire a clock to
enerate a
power mana
ement event.
18:16 010b Read Onl
A value of indicates that the 82559ER complies with the PCI
Power Mana
ement Specification, Revision 2.2.
Table 8. Power Mana
ement Ca
Bits Default Read/Write Description
Table 9. Power Mana
ement Control and Status Re
Bits Default Read/Write Description
15 0b Read/Clear
PME Status.
This bit is set upon a wake-up event. It is independent of
the state of the PME Enable bit. If 1b is written to this bit, the bit will be
cleared. It also de-asserts the PME# si
nal and clears the PME status
bit in the Power Mana
ement Driver Re
ister. When the PME# si
is enabled, the PME# si
nal reflects the state of the PME status bit.
14:13 00b Read Onl
Data Scale.
This field indicates the data re
ister scalin
factor. It
uals 10b for re
isters zero throu
h ei
ht and 00b for re
isters nine
h fifteen.
12:9 0000b Read Onl
Data Select.
This field is used to select which data is reported throu
the Data re
ister and Data Scale field.
8 0b Read Clear
PME Enable.
This bit enables the 82559ER to assert PME#.
7:5 000b Read Onl
. These bits are reserved and should be set to 000b.
4 0b Read Onl
Dynamic Data.
The 82559ER does not support the abilit
to monitor
the power consumption d
3:2 00b Read Onl
These bits are reserved and should be set to 00b.
1:0 00b Read/Write
Power State.
This 2-bit field is used to determine the current power
state of the 82559ER and to set the 82559ER into a new power state.
The definition of the field values is as follows.
00 - D0
01 - D1
10 - D2
11 - D3