
NDIS 2.0.1 DOS Driver Configuration Notes
The DOS NDIS driver M32ANDIS.EXE conforms to the 3Com/Microsoft
LAN Manager Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) version
2.0.1. It is a DOS-based executable terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR)
program that will configure itself according to the options specified in the
PROTOCOL.INI file, which is supplied on the Network Drivers Disk.
The files required for using M32ANDIS.EXE are:
PROTOCOL.INI Configuration and binding information file
M32ADOS.NIF Intel installation file for Microsoft LAN
M32ANDIS.EXE Intel DOS NDIS 2.0.1 driver
NDIS 2.0.1 OS/2 Driver Configuration Notes
The OS/2 NDIS driver M32ANDIS.OS2 conforms to the 3Com/Microsoft
LAN Manager Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) version
2.0.1. It is an IBM OS/2-based device driver for use with OS/2 versions 2.0
and later.
The files required for using M32ANDIS.OS2 are:
PROTOCOL.INI Configuration and binding informa tion file
M32AOS2.NIF Intel installation file for Microsoft LAN
M32ANDIS.OS2 Intel OS/2 NDIS 2.0.1 driver
If any parameters need to be changed, use an ASCII text editor to modify
the PROTOCOL.INI file with the appropriate keywords and values.
Keyword syntax for PROTOCOL.INI can be found below. Keywords are
not case sensitive, and can be abbreviated to a unique sequence of initial
characters (for example, IN for INTERRUPT, IO for IOADDRESS). A
Keyword Alphabetical Reference follows the keyword listings.
Most installations will be able to use the settings implemented in the
PROTOCOL.INI file by the Intel Installation Program. If any parameters
need to be changed, use an ASCII text editor to modify the
PROTOCOL.INI file with the appropriate keywords and values.