
Software Installation
6 Set the path as A:\NDIS and click OK.
7 Back at the LAPS Configuration window, in the Network Adapter
section, select the PRO/100 CardBus adapter by clicking on it and
then clicking Add.
8 In the Protocols section, select the protocols you wish to use by
clicking on the protocols and then clicking Add.
9 In the Current Configuration section, click on PRO/100 CardBus
adapter and click edit to edit the driver settings. The default
settings for the product will be displayed. Generally, the default
settings should be used. The most important to check are INT and
SOCKET. If there is a conflict, these should be adjusted using trial
and error.
10 After reviewing the settings, click OK.
11 Click OK again
12 Click close
13 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete installation.
In Warp 4.0, a free interrupt can be found by running Hardware Manager (under
System Setup). Under IRQ, look for a free one (the program shows what’s used).
Installation Steps for Warp 3.0 and 4.0 (ODI driver)
The PRO/100 CardBus adapter includes NDIS2 and ODI drivers for
OS/2. Currently, the Card and Socket Services software in OS/2 does not
support CardBus. Therefore, in order to install the CardBus driver in
OS/2, OS/2’s Card and Socket Services must be disabled. Follow IBM’s
instructions for disabling Card and Socket Services.
1 Remove OS/2’s Card and Socket Services according to IBM’s
2 In order to install Intel’s OS/2 ODI driver, the Novell Netware
Client for OS/2 installation disks are needed. Insert disk 1 of the
OS/2 client installation disks (the WSOS2_1 disk) in the floppy
drive and run INSTALL.
3 In the NetWare Workstation for OS/2 Installation Utility window,
click the Installation menu item and select the Requester on
Workstation option.
4 In the ‘Set Target Directory’ Windows, set the destination directory
(default is c:\netware) and click OK.