
82854 Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
74 D15343-003
4.9.3 PCICMD – PCI Command Register
Since Intel chipset Device #0 does not physically reside on PCI_A, many of the bits are not
Address Offset:
Default Value:
Read Only, Read/Write
16 bits
Bit Descriptions
15:10 Reserved
9 Fast Back-to-Back Enable (FB2B): This bit controls whether or not the master can do fast back-
to-back Write. Since Device #0 is strictly a target, this bit is not implemented and is hardwired to
0. Writes to this bit position have no affect.
8 SERR Enable (SERRE): SERR# is not implemented by Function #1 of Device #0 of the GMCH
and this bit is hardwired to 0. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
7 Address/Data Stepping Enable (ADSTEP): Address/data stepping is not implemented in the
GMCH, and this bit is hardwired to 0. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
6 Parity Error Enable (PERRE): PERR# is not implemented by GMCH and this bit is hardwired to
0. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
5 VGA Palette Snoop Enable (VGASNOOP): The GMCH does not implement this bit and it is
hardwired to a 0. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
4 Memory Write and Invalidate Enable (MWIE): The GMCH will never issue Memory Write and
Invalidate commands. This bit is therefore hardwired to 0. Writes to this bit position will have no
3 Special Cycle Enable (SCE): The GMCH does not implement this bit and it is hardwired to a 0.
Writes to this bit position have no effect.
2 Bus Master Enable (BME): The GMCH is always enabled as a master on HI. This bit is
hardwired to a 1. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
1 Memory Access Enable (MAE): The GMCH always allows access to main system memory. This
bit is not implemented and is hardwired to 1. Writes to this bit position have no effect.
0 I/O Access Enable (IOAE): This bit is not implemented in the GMCH and is hardwired to a 0.
Writes to this bit position have no effect.