
Functional Description
D15343-003 139 ARIB Support
Please refer to the ARIB TR-B15 Operational Guidelines for Digital Satellite Broadcasting
(detailed Implementation guideline for receiver) for an exhaustive coverage of this topic
). The Intel
82854 GMCH supports
the ARIB resolutions in Figure 8 except the Motion Picture (Movie) Plane and the Movie/Still
picture selection plane. This device supports the remaining planes outlined in Figure 8. H, V timing signals for active and blank timing
Figure 9 depicts the major resolutions supported by the Intel
82854 GMCH, included in this table
is support for NTSC and High Definition.
The progressive timing modes are supported by the Intel
82854 GMCH in Native Graphic Mode.
Figure 8. ARIB TR-B15 Plane Resolutions
8 bit index of CLUT input is tranfered to YCbCr (4:2:2) and 4 bit alpha value
Number of CLUTs: 1
Standard fixed color: 128 colors
Receiver dependent color: 32 colors
Vender dependent color: 96 colors
720x480x8, 4:3
720x480x8, 16:9
960x540x8, 16:9 (Display resolution is 1920x1080 – 1 pixel on the plane is transferred to 2x2 pixel on display)
ResolutionSuperimpose text
8 bit index of CLUT input is tranfered to YCbCr (4:2:2) and 4 bit alpha value
Number of CLUTs: 1
Standard fixed color: 128 colors
Receiver dependent color: 32 colors
Vender dependent color: 96 colors
720x480x8, 4:3
720x480x8, 16:9
960x540x8, 16:9 (Display resolution is 1920x1080 – 1 pixel on the plane is transferred to 2x2 pixel on display)
ResolutionText and Graphic
720x480x16,YCbCr(4:2:2), 4:3
720x480x16,YCbCr(4:2:2), 16:9
1920x1080x16,YCbCr(4:2:2), 16:9
ResolutionStill Picture Plane
RequirementsPlane name