Software Developer’s Manual 337
Register Descriptions
13.6.6 IPv6 Address Table
IP6AT (05880h - 0588Ch; R/W)
The IPv6 Address Table is used to store the IPv6 addresses for ARP Request packet and Directed
IP packet wakeup for IPv6.
Note: This table is not cleared by any reset.
1. Not applicable to the 82544GC/EI.
DWORD# Address 31 0
0 5880h
1 5884h
2 5888h
3 588Ch
Field Dword # Address Bit(s) Initial Value
1. This table is loaded from the EEPROM if the IP Address Valid field of the EEPROM’s Management Control word is 1b and
the IP Address Type field is 0b (IPv4). Otherwise, the value of this register is undefined after reset.
0 5880h 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 1-4
1 5884h 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 5-8
2 5888h 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 9-12
3 588Ch 31:0 X IPv6 Address 0, bytes 16-13