Software Developer’s Manual 219
Register Descriptions
Table 13-2. Ethernet Controller Register Summary
Category Offset Abbreviation Name R/W Page
General 00000h CTRL Device Control R/W 224
General 00008h STATUS Device Status R 229
General 00010h EECD EEPROM/Flash Control/Data R/W 232
General 00014h EERD
EEPROM Read (not applicable to the
R/W 234
General 0001Ch FLA
Flash Access (applicable to the 82541xx and
82547GI/EI only)
R/W 236
General 00018h CTRL_EXT Extended Device Control R/W 237
General 00020h MDIC MDI Control R/W 242
General 00028h FCAL Flow Control Address Low R/W 283
General 0002Ch FCAH Flow Control Address High R/W 283
General 00030h FCT Flow Control Type R/W 284
General 00038h VET VLAN EtherType R/W 284
General 00170h FCTTV Flow Control Transmit Timer Value R/W 285
General 00178h TXCW
Transmit Configuration Word (not applicable to
the 82540EP/EM, 82541xx and 82547GI/EI)
R/W 286
General 00180h RXCW
Receive Configuration Word (not applicable to
the 82540EP/EM, 82541xx and 82547GI/EI)
R 287
General 00E00h LEDCTL
LED Control (not applicable to the 82544GC/
R/W 289
DMA 01000h PBA Packet Buffer Allocation R/W 292
Interrupt 000C0h ICR Interrupt Cause Read R 293
Interrupt 000C4h ITR
Interrupt Throttling (not applicable to the
R/W 295
Interrupt 000C8h ICS Interrupt Cause Set W 296
Interrupt 000D0h IMS Interrupt Mask Set/Read R/W 297
Interrupt 000D8h IMC Interrupt Mask Clear W 298
Receive 00100h RCTL Receive Control R/W 300
Receive 02160h FCRTL Flow Control Receive Threshold Low R/W 304
Receive 02168h FCRTH Flow Control Receive Threshold High R/W 305
Receive 02800h RDBAL Receive Descriptor Base Low R/W 306
Receive 02804h RDBAH Receive Descriptor Base High R/W 306
Receive 02808h RDLEN Receive Descriptor Length R/W 307
Receive 02810h RDH Receive Descriptor Head R/W 307
Receive 02818h RDT Receive Descriptor Tail R/W 308
Receive 02820h RDTR Receive Delay Timer R/W 308
Receive 0282Ch RADV
Receive Interrupt Absolute Delay Timer (not
applicable to the
R/W 309
Receive 02C00h RSRPD
Receive Small Packet Detect Interrupt (not
applicable to the 82544GC/EI)
R/W 310
Transmit 00400h TCTL Transmit Control R/W 310
Transmit 00410h TIPG Transmit IPG R/W 312
Transmit 00458h AIFS Adaptive IFS Throttle - AIT R/W 314
Transmit 03800h TDBAL Transmit Descriptor Base Low R/W 315
Transmit 03804h TDBAH Transmit Descriptor Base High R/W 316
Transmit 03808h TDLEN Transmit Descriptor Length R/W 316
Transmit 03810h TDH Transmit Descriptor Head R/W 317
Transmit 03818h TDT Transmit Descriptor Tail R/W 318
Transmit 03820h TIDV Transmit Interrupt Delay Value R/W 318