
20 Installation Guide for the Intel Server Control
Launching ISC
ISC can be launched from and can manage your server from one of these enterprise management
LANDesk Server Manager (LDSM)
HP Network Node Manager
CA-Unicenter TNG
Once the ISC application is launched from an enterprise management console, the management
console application can terminate, and ISC will continue to operate normally.
ISC can be launched from and can manage your server from a stand-alone ISC Console. The ISC
Console can run as an executable program, as an ActiveX control within an Internet browser, or
within Microsoft Management Console.
Server Manager
The LANDesk Server Manager (LDSM) console dynamically builds its feature set when
communication is established with a managed server. If the managed server is running the ISC, the
LDSM console adds an option for “Intel Server Control” in the Tools branch of the LDSM
navigation tree. Select this option to launch ISC.
HP Network Node Manager
The HP Network Node Manager Console autodetects servers running the ISC Server
Instrumentation software. The Console updates the server bitmap with an ISC server icon for those
To launch the ISC applet, select an ISC-enabled server on the HP Console network map, and then
select the “Intel Server Control Applet” option from the Tools Menu. Alternatively, you can launch
ISC by selecting an ISC-enabled server on the HP console network map, clicking the right mouse
button, and then selecting the “Intel Server Control” option from the popup menu.
CA-Unicenter TNG
The CA-Unicenter TNG Console autodetects servers running the ISC Server Instrumentation
software if you have enabled the ISC to CA discovery service. To enable discovery, you must start
the “Intel Tng-ISC AutoDiscovery” service. You can start this service from either the TNG
Unicenter “Auto Discovery” dialog or from the Windows NT “Services” applet.
The “Intel Tng-ISC AutoDiscovery” service creates a new “Intel Server Control” TNG object for
each server having the ISC Server Instrumentation software. That TNG object displays on the map
as a child of the “ISC World View” and as a child of the ISC-enabled server. You can view all
ISC-enabled servers under the “ISC World View.”
To launch ISC, right-click on an “Intel Server Control” icon, and select the “Launch ISC” option
from the popup menu.