
Installation Guide for the Intel Server Control 15
For installation on systems using NetWare, be aware of the following:
Connect as a user with supervisor rights when installing ISC to a NetWare server.
All NetWare servers require two manual reboots following the ISC installation.
The TiRPC runtime library for ONC RPC or a substitute file set for NetWare5x must be
Windows NT
For installation on systems using Windows NT, be aware of the following:
Connect as a user with supervisor rights when installing ISC to a Windows NT server.
The ISC installation program automatically reboots both remote and local servers as necessary.
Remote Access Service (RAS) must be previously be installed on the console for if
connectivity will use a modem.
Windows 98 Second Edition
For installation on systems using Windows 98 Second Edition, be aware of the following:
A manual reboot is required following the ISC installation.
Remote Registry must be previously installed on the console.
For installation on systems using UnixWare, be aware of the following:
Connect as root user when installing ISC to a UnixWare server.
A plain text password must be enabled in the registry. If the password is not enabled, an extra
reboot following ISC installation will be required on each UnixWare server.
Vision FS must be installed, configured, and running.
Mcopy must be installed on each ISC managed UnixWare server. Please refer to the man page
for doscp for download and install instruction for mcopy. Mcopy can also be installed by
installing the mtools package from Skunkware 7 CD-ROM.
A manual reboot is required for each server following the ISC installation.
The server automatically reboots following ISC installation.
By default, SCO UnixWare v7.1.1 systems have DMI access set to read-only. This setting prevents
ISC from changing sensor thresholds, enabling the watchdog timer, and executing other functions.
To allow ISC to operate correctly, DMI access write permission must be enabled. Do the following
to enable DMI access to write:
1. Loginas'root'.
2. Stop the DMI Service Provider (dmi stop).
3. Open the file /etc/rc2.d/S89dmi for editing.
4. Change the line
$DMI_PATH $@ to $DMI_PATH $@ -w.
5. Save the file and restart the DMI Service Provider (dmi start).
This change is valid for all future sessions.