C H A P T E R 3 Intel Express 100BASE-TX Stackable Hub
Unit Numbering Convention
This section provides information about the hub unit numbering
convention. The unit numbering convention is invoked when an NMM
is installed in one of the Express hubs in a stack.
When Express hubs are stacked, cascaded, and powered, they are
assigned “unit” numbers that are stored in nonvolatile memory on the
hub motherboard. The NMM assigns units numbers from the top
down—the hub at the top of the stack is assigned unit 1, the hub below
unit 1 is assigned unit 2, and so on. Unit numbers are assigned
according to the physical location of the hub in the stack.
In a fully equipped stack, hubs are assigned unit numbers 1 through 6.
You can identify the unit numbers of the hubs in the stack through
your network management software.
As you build your stack to include more hubs, each hub that is added
to the stack is assigned a unit number that relates to the position of the
unit in the stack. For example, if you have four hubs in your stack
and you add a hub to the bottom of the stack, the new unit is assigned
unit 5. If you install your new hub at the top of the stack, the new hub
is assigned unit 1 and the hubs below the new hub are reset and
renumbered in sequence.