C H A P T E R 1 Intel Express 100BASE-TX Stackable Hub
100BASE-T Media Adapter Slot
The media adapter slot is located in the upper left-hand corner of the
Express hub and accommodates an optional 100BASE-T media
adapter. A 100BASE-T media adapter allows you to connect to other
100BASE-T network devices using a different media.
Media adapter slot Expansion slot
Technology by
Bay Networks
Media adapter and expansion slots in the Express hub
For more information about the optional media adapter, see “Media
Adapters” later in this chapter.
Expansion Slot
The expansion slot is located in the lower half of the Express hub and
accommodates several optional 100BASE-T modules that extend your
networking capabilities.
The following 100BASE-T modules can be installed in the expansion
• 100BASE-TX host module
For information about these modules, see “Optional Equipment” in
Appendix A.