1 Record Record an Optional Greeting
2 A
ctivate Activate an Optional Greeting
4 I
nternal Record Internal Greeting
9 eX
it Exit to main menu
When accessing a greeting press 1 to review, 2 to record, any other key to skip
After recording press 1
to accept, 2 to rerecord, 3 to delete, 4 to review
6 Name Record your name
7 P
asscode Change your passcode (4-15 digits)
5 Distribution L
ist Set up and send messages to more than
one mailbox at a time. You create a
group number and group name.
3 F
ax Set default fax number
2 A
dditional Set additional options
9 eX
it Exit User Options Menu
*Optional Custom greetings require a 2-digit designation (01; 02; 03; etc.) that must
be enabled when you want to use it, and disabled when you want to turn it off,
as in a vacation greeting. Optional greetings over-ride all Personal greetings.