
2 Availability
The system responds: ‘You are (availability) and your status is _____.’
2 A
vailability Check your availability
4 G
reeting Listen to current unavailable greeting
Review Review current greeting
Record Record a new greeting (or rerecord current)
ANY KEY Keep the current greeting
7 L
ocation Choose a location setting
3 D
esk Set location to Desk
6 M
eeting Set location to Meeting
4 H
ome Set location to Home
5 L
unch Set location to Lunch
8 U
ser Set location to User Defined
2 A
bsence Set location to Extended Absence
Default Set location to Default Location
Calendar Set location to Locations Calendar
eXit Set location to
9 eX
it Return to the Main Menu
6 Making and Sending Messages
Enter destination mailbox number or Distribution List
(press , followed by the list number)
Press 1 if destination is correct or press 2 if incorrect and re-enter
Record the message then press #
After message is recorded
9 Send Exit and send your message
7 Review Listen to the message you just recorded
3 Discard Discard the message
2 Append Add to your recorded message
6 Message Addressing Options (4 options listed next)
2 Confidential – Receiver cannot forward the message
7 Receipt Receive notice when your message is heard
8 Urgent – Place this message first in the destination mailbox
9 Exit Message Addressing Options - Exit the options menu
8 U
ser Options
4 G
reetings Record your greetings
7 P
ersonal Change Personal Greeting
2 B
usy Change Busy Greeting
5 L
ocation Record Location Greeting
6 O
ptional Custom* Record Custom Greeting(s)*