A switch operated by the door changes the heating
element configuration between grill and oven
operation. When the door is open, the top inner
element is activated for intense downward heat;
when the door is closed, the top outer and lower
elements are activated to provide even oven
To operate the grill proceed as follows:To operate the grill proceed as follows:
To operate the grill proceed as follows:To operate the grill proceed as follows:
To operate the grill proceed as follows:
Open the grill door.
Pre-heat the grill on setting 6 for approximately 5
minutes (see chart on guide to grilling).
Fix the grill pan handle securely in position. See
Food which only requires browning should be
placed directly on/in the grill pan in the grill pan
runner, or on the floor of the grill compartment.
(the grill pan grid may be removed.)
Leave the control on setting 6 for toast, sealing
and fast cooking of foods. For thicker foods
requiring longer cooking turn the control to a lower
setting after the initial sealing, on both sides, on
setting 6. The thicker the food the lower the
control should be set.
Warning: Take care as the grill will be hot –Warning: Take care as the grill will be hot –
Warning: Take care as the grill will be hot –Warning: Take care as the grill will be hot –
Warning: Take care as the grill will be hot –
always wear oven gloves. Always ensure thatalways wear oven gloves. Always ensure that
always wear oven gloves. Always ensure thatalways wear oven gloves. Always ensure that
always wear oven gloves. Always ensure that
the grill pan is clean BEFORE use. Excessthe grill pan is clean BEFORE use. Excess
the grill pan is clean BEFORE use. Excessthe grill pan is clean BEFORE use. Excess
the grill pan is clean BEFORE use. Excess
fat build up in the bottom of the pan couldfat build up in the bottom of the pan could
fat build up in the bottom of the pan couldfat build up in the bottom of the pan could
fat build up in the bottom of the pan could
cause a fire hazard. Never line grill pan withcause a fire hazard. Never line grill pan with
cause a fire hazard. Never line grill pan withcause a fire hazard. Never line grill pan with
cause a fire hazard. Never line grill pan with
Fixing the Grill Pan Handle
The grill pan handle is detachable from the pan to
facilitate cleaning and storage. Fix the pan handle
securely before use:
1. Fit the handle to the grill pan so that the external
‘hooks’ embrace the edge of the pan (fig. 1)
2. Make sure that the middle part of the handle fits
exactly the protruding support of the pan (fig .2) and
holds the pan from the bottom.
The food must be placed on the rack in the grill pan.
Position the grill pan on top of the oven rack. The
best results are achieved by placing the oven rack
on the uppermost shelves. Pouring a little water into
the grill pan will make the collection of grease
particles more efficient and prevent the formation of
The food to be cooked should be placed on the grill
pan/grill pan food support.
Place the grill pan on the runners and push back to
the stop position when the grill pan is correctly
positioned beneath the grill element.
Plates and dishes placed on the floor of the grill
compartment will be heated when the oven is in use.
Grill Compartment
as a ‘Hotcupboard’as a ‘Hotcupboard’
as a ‘Hotcupboard’as a ‘Hotcupboard’
as a ‘Hotcupboard’
Do not operate the grill control when usingDo not operate the grill control when using
Do not operate the grill control when usingDo not operate the grill control when using
Do not operate the grill control when using
the compartment as a hotcupboard.the compartment as a hotcupboard.
the compartment as a hotcupboard.the compartment as a hotcupboard.
the compartment as a hotcupboard.
Do take care when removing plates, dishes and
utensils from the grill compartment when the oven is
in use as they may become quite hot.
You may need to use oven gloves when removing
warmed items.