Conventional Oven - Cooking
Chart MEAT
Note: Where times are stated, they are approximate only.
Conventional Oven
Meat Pre-
Tempe ra ture
Time (approx.) Position in
Beef Yes 190/200
25-30 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 25 mins over.
Lamb Yes 190/200
25-30 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 25 mins over.
Pork Yes 190/200
30-35 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 30 mins over.
In meat pan
on runner 2
Veal Yes 190/200
25-35 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 30 mins over.
up to 4kg (8lb)
Yes 180/190
18-20 mins per 450g
(1lb) + 20 mins over.
Turkey up to
5.5kg (12lb)
Yes 190
22 mins per 450g (1lb) eg.
5.5 kg (11lb) = 242 mins
Runner 3
from bottom
of oven
Turkey over
5.5kg (12lb)
Yes 180
18 mins per 450g (1lb) eg.
10 kg (22lb) = 352 mins
Yes 140/160 2-2 ˝ hrs Runner 3
If using aluminium foil:
1 Remember it is important to increase the cooking time by one third.
2 Do not allow the foil to touch the sides of the oven.
3 Do not cover the oven interior with foil.
4 Do not cover the oven shelves with foil.
The most accurate method of testing the readiness of joints of meat or whole poultry is to insert a meat thermometer into
the thickest part of a joint, or the thickest part of poultry thighs, during the cooking period. The meat thermometer will
indicate when the required internal temp has been reached.
Beef: Rare: 60°C Lamb: 80°C Poultry: 90°C
Medium: 70°C Pork: 90°C
Well Done: 75°C Veal: 75°C