Questions About the TiVo
• Try changing channels. If the blue screen appears on just a few channels, you may be tuned to a channel to which you do not
subscribe, or you may be experiencing a weak signal on a channel to which you do subscribe. If you do not subscribe to the
channel, you should take it off the “Channels You Receive” list. (For more information, see page 86.) If you do subscribe to the
channel, wait 24 hours to see if the signal improves, or call your cable or satellite provider.
• If you have a satellite or cable box, go to Messages & Setup, Cable/Satellite Box, Connection to Recorder. Verify that you chose
the same cable on this screen that you used to connect your satellite or cable box to the Recorder.
• If the blue screen appears on every channel, and you have a cable or satellite box, make sure it is turned on.
• You may be experiencing a temporary cable or satellite outage; check with your cable or satellite provider.
• Your video cable may have come loose. Make sure all the cable connections on the back of your Recorder are secure.
• Verify that you are receiving a video signal by temporarily connecting the video source directly to the TV. If you still do not see
any video, there may be a problem with your cable, satellite or antenna equipment.
• The cables you are using to connect your Recorder to your TV or other equipment may be damaged or defective. Try exchanging
the cables connected to the Recorder with other cables that you know are working properly.
• Restart your Recorder. (From TiVo Central, select Messages & Setup, then Restart or Reset System, then Restart the Recorder.
Press THUMBS DOWN three times, then press ENTER. You will see the Welcome screen, and the system will restart within
about 45 seconds. You can also restart the Recorder by unplugging it, waiting 15 seconds, then plugging it back in.
Questions About the TiVo
Will my Recorder still work without the TiVo service?
• Without the TiVo service, your Recorder will have extremely limited functionality. The Recorder was designed to be used
exclusively with the TiVo service. The TiVo service is required for proper operation of the Recorder. No functionality is represented,
warranted or should be expected without a subscription to the TiVo service. The Recorder uses the program information provided by
the TiVo service to record the programs you request, to provide Season Pass functionality, to power the program guide, to allow you