
Questions About Recording Programs
There aren’t any shows listed in the program guide.
Your Recorder may not have program information. See “I can’t find my program in Search by Title or Search Using a WishList,
even though I know it’s on,” on page 139.
If category filtering of the guide is turned on, but no upcoming programs in the next six hours match both your filter and your
Favorite Channels list, no programs will appear in the guide. To view programs in the guide again, use the Guide Options to turn off
filtering. (See page 47.)
I can’t find my program in the guide, even though I know it’s on.
You can choose a channel list or filter to use with the guide. Not all programs or channels will be displayed if you have chosen to use
a filter or the “Favorites” channel list. Press GUIDE to display the live guide, then ENTER to choose “Channels You Receive” or to
turn off filters. You can also add and remove channels on the “Channels You Receive” and “Favorites” channel lists. (See page 86.)
Occasionally the program information provided by the networks includes errors. We would like to hear of any inaccuracies you
discover so that we can work with our providers to correct them. See the Customer Support contact information at the beginning of
this chapter.
Questions About Recording Programs
I can’t find my program in Search by Title or Search Using a WishList, etc., even though I know it’s on.
The Recorder uses the Channels You Receive list to search for programs in all the features under Pick Programs to Record. To check
if you’ve selected the program’s channel, go to Messages & Setup, then Settings, then Channels, then Channels You Receive. Does
the channel have a check mark next to it? To give it one, highlight the channel and press SELECT. (For instructions on customizing
this list, see page 86.)
Look on the Phone & Network Setup screen (from TiVo Central, select Messages & Setup, then Settings, then Phone & Network
Setup) for the time of the last successful connection to the TiVo service. If it was more than 36 hours ago, your Recorder may be
having trouble connecting to the TiVo service. Select “Test connection” to test the current settings. If the test connection does not
succeed, see page 132 for connection troubleshooting. Once you have made a successful test connection, start a regular connection